Company registration online, the new unified business registration process, known as "online business registration," is entirely online and makes use of an IT platform.
MOC Online Business Registration: In Cambodia, launching a business is a pretty simple process. First you have to register with MoC business registration in order to conduct lawful business.
Business Online RegistrationYou may now register your business at GDT, MLVT, and MoC all at once. Single Portal is another name for the IT business registration platform.
CamDX System, the business needs to be registered via the Cambodia Data Exchange (CamDX) system of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) Online Registration Services.
E-registration Services, faster and better than before! It only takes a few clicks to start taking advantage of the benefits of the online business registration system.
Online Registration Cambodia , create an account on CamDigiKey. Go ahead and log in if you already have one. Fill out the required fields and include the required files. Click "Register."