small business registration, starting a business is a fairly easy procedure. To do legal business, you have to first register as a business with the MoC.
How can I start with a small business in Cambodia?
It is important to keep in mind that registration fees might range from USD 800 to USD 1,600, depending on the size of the business.
Set up a company in Cambodia, To do business, you have to open a bank account in the company's name.
MOC Online Business Registration: The company must register using the MEF Online Registration Services' CamDX system.
Starting a business in Cambodia, after your business is officially registered, you have to pay your taxes to keep your business in compliance with Cambodian law.
Small taxpayers have to pay a 200,000 riels (US$49) patent tax and a 20,000 riels (US$4.90) tax registration charge.